Economic Dimension of Volunteering in Sport
Economic dimension of volunteers in sport in a sustainable Europe by 2030
Paid and unpaid staff in sport organisations are equally important for the future of the European model of sport. Sport employs millions of European citizens and add billions in revenue. It contributes to chronic disease prevention and increases the quality of life of citizens and their ability to remain healthy and productive workers who may keep contributing to the European economy as the nation gets older. Volunteering also contributes to community cohesion, social inclusion and an enhanced sense of European identity. Volunteers in sport are essential to the European model of sport.

Science is pivotal to good policy-making; developing the “Study on economic dimension of volunteering in sport” contributes to science-based evidence that informs policy-makers and provides support in the EU sport policy area

Promoting good governance in sport and sport-related sectors across Europe

Supporting relevant stakeholders in policy-making and programming to acquire a better understand of the impact that they have on the European model of sport
“Sport is also an important enabler of sustainable development.”
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Latest news
Closing the project
On 23 December 2022, members of the Project Team met online for the last official meeting in the project ‘Economic dimension of volunteering in sport’. Participants recapped what was done in the period from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022. Impact evaluation was...
Study presented at the final conference in Brussels
First European conference on the economic dimension of volunteering in sport was held on 28 November 2022 in Brussels. The NOC Secretary General Siniša Krajač welcomed participants and opened the conference. The conference was organised to present the outputs of the...
Consultation with stakeholders
On 20 October 2022, Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport in cooperation with SportsEconAustria Institute for Sport Economy organised the EU-wide consultative conference ahead of the 1st European conference on the economic dimension of...
Final event
European conference on the economic dimension of volunteering in sport
28 November 2022
Brussels, Belgium